Same Day Courier Service in Norfolk, VA

Go2Delivery offers professional same-day courier services throughout Norfolk, VA at an affordable price. Enjoy 24-hour deliveries, email notification upon delivery, warehousing and distribution solutions. There are more than 725,000 small businesses currently operating in Virginia. Though they all serve different industries, they all need to send products, documents, and packages across town at some point.

If you’re a business owner in Norfolk, you know that taking care of those deliveries quickly is always a priority. Hiring a courier service is one of the best ways to handle those deliveries, no matter what you’re sending. PROTECTION & SECURITY

  • Insurance – General Liability, Cargo, Bonded, Auto & Non-Owned Auto, etc.
  • Random in-field driver audits for security and compliance with industry standards
  • High standards throughout our recruiting and staffing process

Delivery Management

  • Tracking orders and assigned delivery staff in real time..
  • Measuring delivery performance
  • Reporting cumulative data on delivery history & performance.

Client Power Tools

  • Place & Tracks orders Online
  • Applications Integration
  • Email Notification

Driver Power Tools

  • GPS Tracking
  • Bar Code Scanning
  • Signature Capture

Our 24 Hour Couriers Service Saves You Money

As a business owner, you constantly have to watch your bottom line. The more you can do to save money, the better off your business will be. Hiring a local courier service is one of the best things you can do for your budget.

Instead of having to pay to hire, train, and insure employees to deliver your goods, the courier team will do it for a low upfront fee. You only pay when you need to use their services which can help you save money on slower months and frees up capital to spend on other things.

Staffing Demands

  • Fluctuating volume of deliveries
  • Retention of qualified staff
  • Redundancy to cover unexpected circumstances

Professional Courirs

  • Dressed in business attire
  • Available 24/7/365
  • Background checked by TSA
  • Audited for our standards

Dedicated Dispatch

  • Dispatchers at office—3 shifts
  • Managing deliveries
  • Monitoring roadways and weather
  • Coordination with clients

Speed Up Delivery Times

When you send things through standard mail, it can take up to two weeks for packages to arrive where they’re supposed to go. At best, this can slow your business down and at worst, it can make your clients and customers unhappy. Couriers make deliveries more quickly:

  • Direct Drive Service
  • 90 Minute Service
  • 2 Hour Courier Service
  • 4 Hour Service

For businesses that rely on speed and need fast turnaround times for documents, those fast deliveries are essential. Even better, same day couriers work when you need them, whether it’s the weekend or the middle of the night.

Keeps Business and Employees Safe

In industries like the medical profession, there’s a liability in being out on the road, delivering packages in traffic. If your employees get into an accident and get injured or hurt someone else, your company could be liable for the damages.

Hiring a courier allows you to keep your employees safe while also reducing your company’s risk of unexpected liability lawsuits.

Improve Customer Loyalty

When your clients and customers have to wait days for things to arrive, it can leave them wanting to look for someone else to work with. However, when you show that you value their support and put their needs first by getting things delivered to them quickly, you set yourself up for success. If your clients feel that you care about them, they’ll want to continue working with you for years to come.

Increasing Costs

  • Delivery management labor
  • Recruiting, retention & training of staff
  • Equipment & vehicle maintenance & insurance
  • Benefits, workers compensation, unemployment

Tracking Costs

  • Customized for your business
  • Detailed reporting
  • By service level, Time of day
  • Geography
  • By unit levels

Performance Metrics

  • On time delivery
  • Order request time to pick up
  • Dispatch time to driver
  • Accuracy

Norfolk Courier Service Made Easy

There are a lot of logistics you have to figure out when you hire in-house delivery drivers or rely on nationwide shipping companies or the postal service. You have to coordinate pickups, prioritize drop-offs, and find someone you can trust to handle it correctly.

  • Reduce overhead expenses
  • Eliminate staffing concerns
  • Limits liability to your organization
  • Switch from variable transportation
  • Allows you more time to focus on your expenses to fixed transportation rates core business activities

When you work with a courier, all those logistics get taken care of for you. Each courier is vetted and trained to take care of your deliveries quickly. All you have to do is give them something to deliver.


  • Accreditation organizations
  • Chain of custody, blood-borne pathogens, etc

Field Audit App

  • Random audits of all drivers
  • Auditing for
    • PHI / OSHA Requirements
    • Secure Vehicle & Cleanliness
    • Grooming & Attire
    • Proper tools

Medical Certified Staff

  • Testing & Certification
  • Chain of Custody
  • Patient Sensitivity
  • Client Specific Orientations

Hire a Norfolk Courier Service Today

Hiring a courier service is one of the best ways to streamline your Norfolk business. Doing so will help guarantee that your clients get the items you send out quickly. If you’re ready to improve your company’s delivery process, don’t wait. Contact our team and see how we can help.

Now Is The Time To Partner With Us

Your roadmap to success and growth lies with Go2 Delivery’s service quality oriented, technology-backed services and sustainability-minded team.

Create happy customers and stress free delivery for your team, that is safe, reliable and secure.