6 Pitfalls to Avoid When Choosing a Courier Partner
May 15, 2020

Not Choosing a Locally-Based Courier

In the courier industry, responsiveness and reliability are often connected to the location of the courier and its dispatch offices. Hiring a courier service that has operations based locally can take the risk out of your deliveries, and provide a true partner. We’re a courier service based in Virginia with 3 local offices in Roanoke, Richmond, and Virginia Beach.

Confusing Price With Value

You want the best deal, but often the lowest price providers don’t offer the reliability clients expect. Often with low cost providers of a courier service often compromise on the quality of the courier, have minimal supervision or management of the delivery itself or may have low standards on performance. With this, the biggest expense is putting customers and relationships at risk. The best courier relationships are “high value” relationships, where they put your delivery or customer at the forefront of the priority of the service. From there’s an array of value added services to keep your life simple and providing an absolute peace of mind

Using Couriers That Do Not Reflect Your Brand Positively

Your courier partner must be an accurate reflection of your brand image for several reasons. Courier services that lack standards on dress, grooming and attire may not be in alignment with your brand. It’s crucial that the courier makes a positive and professional impression that resonates with your company values and vision.

Not Leveraging Available Technology

Like most industries, the courier business has been transformed by technology. Many courier providers have not kept up with all of the ways that technology can help them deliver better service. Here’s what you should expect: online ordering, real-time delivery tracking, photo verification, barcode scanning and in-depth reports available 24/7.

Choosing a Courier Partner with Limited Services

Many courier companies are only in the delivery business. Others offer a full suite of services to support the growth of their clients. Services to ask about include on-demand & scheduled deliveries, outsourced logistics, warehousing & fulfillment. Typically, the more services you can outsource to specialists, the more you can focus on growing your core business.

No Access to Performance & Cost Metrics

As a part of your courier relationship, you will a courier that can systematically track performance for on time pickup and delivery & order accuracy. Tracking costs is crucial for staying within your budget. Expect regular account management reviews sharing overall performance and costs

Now Is The Time To Partner With Us

Your roadmap to success and growth lies with Go2 Delivery’s service quality oriented, technology-backed services and sustainability-minded team.

Create happy customers and stress free delivery for your team, that is safe, reliable and secure.

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