5 Signs of A Good Courier Service
Dec 9, 2021

So many industries today rely on delivery for a variety of reasons. Yet, choosing a suitable courier service can be a difficult task. For example, did you know there are now more than 243,000 courier services in the United States?

No wonder then quality business delivery gets harder to find. But it is possible to get reliable delivery if you know what to look for in a company. So keep reading for a guide to five critical factors in choosing a professional courier service.

1. Readiness

The first quality to consider for business deliveries is availability. A professional courier service will always be able to adjust to the customer’s needs. So a reliable delivery service knows how to work with a variety of industries.

Time of day, load sizes, and travel distances should all get handled with ease by your courier service. So first make sure the company offers a range of services to meet your expectations. On-demand services offer these types of services:

· Direct Drive Service
· 90 Minute Service
· 2 Hour Courier Service
· 4 Hour Service

Then, a professional delivery company will maintain these service levels at all times. After all, not all businesses operate only during daylight hours. And, of course, the courier service must handle your volume of shipments and cover the places where you send packages.

2. Industry Standards

Whichever industry your company serves, your courier service needs to have appropriate accreditation. Find out if drivers have gone through background checks. And ask if the company has the necessary certification to carry certain goods.

For example, professional delivery services must have documented proof to handle hazardous material. But even if your shipments aren’t dangerous, they are valuable to you. So it’s vital to find out if the courier service has suitable insurance and bonding.

Gaining knowledge of a business delivery company’s clients is an excellent way to check for quality. Some industries only work with a proven professional courier service. The medical industry, for example, cannot afford to get caught with unacceptable service.

Depending on your product, business delivery services need licensing to carry the material. And a professional courier service will follow state guidelines and regulations. Better business delivery companies belong to industry associations as well.

3. Technology

There is far more to business deliveries than a driver arriving to pick up your package. Without the latest GPS tracking systems, how do you count on reliable delivery? A professional courier service uses the tools available for every stage.

· GPS tracking of your packages
· Bar code scanning for a true chain of custody
· Electronic signature capture
· Email notifications of the status of delivery
· Online portal to place and track deliveries
· Automated integration with your business applications
· Picture verifications for packages

As a vital cog in your supply chain, it’s essential to know that shipments arrive on time. If courier service is only one leg of the journey, they need to ensure your goods get to the next port. So a professional courier service also works well with other providers.

Communication is key to quality service, no matter how far your package travels. So tracing and effective contact with clients is essential. With traffic changing conditions, anything can happen out on the road.

What’s important is that your business deliveries get kept safe throughout the journey. And if incidents occur, a professional courier service will give you honest answers.

Customer service is the key to a successful business relationship. So, look for the courier service that provides updates with emails or calls before it’s too late. A proactive approach to communicating tells you the courier service takes your business to heart.

4. Courier Service Record

Many business delivery companies make claims about performance success. But the best way to learn the truth about a courier service is to ask their clients. Most organizations won’t stay long with the same provider if service levels don’t meet expectations.

Professional delivery companies are proud of their track record. A courier service with a strong track record will exploit successes in marketing. And to verify the claims, only existing customers can answer those questions.

The best courier service also employs people with years of experience. Professional dispatchers are geographical experts. And they are leaders who keep fleet members moving with safety.

Then, look at the fleet members themselves. A courier service represents your company outside of the business. Business delivery personnel should look the part.

5. Pricing Promises

Clear and concise pricing schedules are a significant part of trust in a courier service. Reliable delivery should come with fair rates and few surprises. So besides price, consistent service is part of the contract.

A professional courier service will offer pricing to fit your specific needs. Some businesses require exceptional circumstances to service their shipments. A reliable delivery service will adjust to those unique needs without added costs.

Yet, if extra costs are involved in getting business deliveries done right, you will know in advance. Again, full transparency shows a courier service is willing to work with clients.

Your courier service should also tell you what to expect in extreme situations. For example, weather conditions can become a factor in getting business deliveries completed. Ask about price adjustments or changes to service when conditions aren’t ideal.

A professional courier service will provide information about other possible charges. Changes in fuel price affect business delivery operations. Hidden costs are a clear sign about the quality of a courier service.

Choose With Confidence

Communication is critical to the success of any business. But with a courier service, it’s an enormous part of the product. So look for the signs that a professional delivery service is working on your behalf.

There is a lot of competition for your business delivery. However, a reliable delivery service displays its expertise with every aspect of the business.

So look to a provider with a track record and a system to make your business deliveries happen without fail. Give us a call today and find out how we value your business relationship.

Now Is The Time To Partner With Us

Your roadmap to success and growth lies with Go2 Delivery’s service quality oriented, technology-backed services and sustainability-minded team.

Create happy customers and stress free delivery for your team, that is safe, reliable and secure.

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